Enneagram wing 2w1
Enneagram wing 2w1 will be the companions. Also, 2w1 includes a few personality traits from wing 2 while the rest from wing 1. Moreover, both wings are extremely selfless and love helping others. However, wing 1 could be the quiet one. But nevertheless, they've a purpose of living a life.
Personality traits
There are a few interesting personality traits of enneagrams 2w1. They're as under:
Basic fear
The enneagram 2w1 has a concern with being neglected and unwanted. Much more, they're more into performing service-oriented roles to feel involved in forming a relationship.
Basic desire
The enneagram 2w1 includes a basic desire to have love. Much more, these selfless people are always on the verge of helping others. Also, they need themselves to be accepted by others. Moreover, they do have personal needs, but nevertheless, they ignore their needs to fulfill others' needs.
Enneagram 2w1 are the absolute most selfless and sensitive kind of people among other enneagrams. However, you will find two types of an enneagram, healthy and unhealthy. Healthy enneagrams tend to simply help others while being selfless. If you connect to a 2w1, ensure that you reduce their stress by appreciating and valuing their efforts. You only have to employ a few words to produce them happy.
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